musical misplacement
The Pacific Chorale rehearses on Monday nights. Due to a series of work and travel conflicts, I've attended only about half of the rehearsals since New Year's.
When I sang with PC last fall, I was unexpectedly placed in the lowest women's voice part. So when I came back this winter after the break, I rejoined at the same place.
Tonight I finally got a look at the seating chart for the alto section. It lists not only who should stand where, but who should sing what part when the music becomes more and more complex. This document was dated a month ago.
Well. Apparently now I am supposed to be singing the highest alto voice part. So I've been rehearsing the wrong parts for a month, including singing in the entire wrong choir on some double-choir stuff.
Oy. The higher placement is more in keeping with my musical history, though I didn't mind singing the lowest parts either. It's just a bit of a pain in the butt that I've wasted some valuable rehearsal time singing the wrong lines, and that nobody brought this fact to my attention.
In other news, I'm back from Utah. Which was beautiful, but snowy and tiring. Having today off from work was a Very Good Thing.