
a little something extra

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

single-celled organism

California has this reputation as a health-crazed state. People eat their greens, do their yoga, run on the beach, etc. etc. You wouldn't think germs would be permitted here.

Alas, they are. All of my co-workers have suffered colds in the past couple of weeks, and yesterday afternoon while I sat in rehearsal for a play reading I felt little microbial claws start to sink into the lining of my throat. I made it through the day and the evening reading with post-play discussion, feeling a bit feverish on top of the sore throat. When I woke up this morning, I had reason to fear I may be in for at least a mild case of the cold that is marching through my theatre's staff.

It would be good if this happened at a time I could take a couple of days off and stay home with my germs. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I'm behind on a couple of important work tasks that factor into the start of rehearsals for my next full production on Friday, and I need to get ready for a workshop of a new play this weekend.

So here I am with my cup of tea, my throat lozenges and my expectation that things are going to get worse. I took this morning off because I worked all weekend and last night, and I need to make sure I get to the polls to help elect a new U.S. Representative (the previous holder of that seat left it to go run the S.E.C.) But I need to be in at work around noon.

Send good vibes to my sinuses!


At 8:04 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Vibes a-sendin'.

A home remedy that works to keep the misery down for me is a teaspoon of lemon juice in a cold glass of water.

And of course zinc lozenges.

At 8:14 AM , Blogger Scott Turner Schofield said...

Boooooo. No good sinuses.

Try eating a clove of garlic. Or, you know, the lobe of a clove. Two or three, taken over a day, should boost your immune system right up.

I mean, you're already gross to your colleagues ;-)

Much lovin'

At 8:52 AM , Blogger Tripp Hudgins said...

Ah. Sinuses indeed.

Hang in there.

I am a great fan of the mint tea or the ginger ale. Those two things combined with the evils of daytime television are usually enough to get me back to work.

At 9:36 AM , Blogger Benjamin said...

Coincidentally, I came down with something Monday myself, leaving me almost perfectly incapacitated. I've rallied for a comeback today but fortunately I can stay home while I recoup (speaking of the evils of daytime tv, there was a double-showcase winner on the price is right this morning!). Sorry you're stuck in the grinder.

To jump on the remedial bandwagon, my last cold was greatly reduced by echinacea and golden seal.

Feel better, love!

At 12:41 PM , Blogger meeegan said...

I have such lovely friends. :-)

Rich, your recipe is great, especially served hot with a jigger of whisky and a bit of sugar added. I have lemon juice from my friend's backyard lemon tree, so I will have to make a toddy tonight.

Turner, check your email!

Mint tea, check. Gotta get some ginger ale. Echinacea, check. Goldenseal, check.

This virus doesn't stand a chance.


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