
a little something extra

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hello world.

Once upon a time, I told my friend Tripp ( that I wasn't interesting enough to have a blog of mine own.

Well, apparently I've gotten more interesting.

Or, more accurately, I've gotten harder to keep up with. In keeping with a recent, not entirely voluntary move to California, I decided to start a blog to make it easier to have some contact with my far-flung friends and family in an informal, fun setting. Et maintenant, voila le blog. (Are blogs masculine or feminine? Someone ask the French.)

In the great tradition of sudden blogslacking, I'm going to post and run for a quick trip to the Midwest. Really quick. 25 hours from takeoff of outgoing flight to touchdown of return flight.

More of this anon! In my next post, the tale of the black bear I saw on the highway on my trip out here...


At 6:28 AM , Blogger Benjamin said...

I'm immediately compelled (tho NOT by the power of Christ) to point out a few things:

1) I see you found the editor! Well done!

2) technophobe, my ass - your first words in cyberspace are "hello world", and you use "blogslacking", a word I didn't even know existed... I think you just outted yourself (two 't's in "outted"?)!

Travel safely!

At 9:23 AM , Blogger Tripp Hudgins said...


Perchance to blog?

Hmmm...Laizze Blog?

Welcome! Huzzah! This is wondrous and keen. I will wait with much joy and trepidation as you post about bears, literary hoodoo and the occasional play.

At 4:32 PM , Blogger meeegan said...

Ben, honey, I never claimed to be a technophobe. I'm just not as technosavvy as you are. I bow before your digital prowess, and that's as it should be!

At 2:41 PM , Blogger Cristopher said...

Exit, pursued by a bear. In a trailer.


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